The first thing that should be done when icing a cake with buttercream frosting is to wrap the cake in plastic wrap and chill it in the freezer. This will ensure that when you trim the top of the cake ...
Cook yourself up something hearty and nutritious with this beetroot salad from Show Me The Curry. The only ingredients you need are: beetroot, peanuts, cilantro, green chiles, onions, cumin and lemon ...
Gazpacho isn't all tomatoes! This wonderful gazpacho summertime soup has tomatoes and it has roasted red peppers and garlic. It's the perfect summer treat during a hot day in the sun. Check out the vi ...
If you've got a Lego lover at home whose got a birthday party coming up, instead of going out to the grocery store and getting one of those store bought cakes, make your own! And heck, make them into ...
Can we get enough of bell peppers? We think not. Satisfying on their own and offering a slightly sweet, crunchy texture when tossed with other foods, bell peppers are one of those rare foods which are ...
Getting your tenderloin steak trimmed at the butcher is what most of us do when we're craving steak for the night, but why spend the extra bucks when you can trim that tenderloin at home?Check out thi ...
We didn't know that how you cut ginger can impact how it tastes until we saw this video. According to the tutorial, the type of cut you should make to a piece of ginger depends on what you need the gi ...
Shucking an oyster is something we usually leave to our significant other to do (Sharp knife combined with a supertight oyster shell opening? BAD idea for someone with sausage fingers). But after watc ...
Cantaloupes are most in season during the summer, so enjoy these sweet and juicy fruits while they're still ripe! If you're afraid of cutting one apart—or just don't know how to—check out this food tu ...
Generally, we hate putting in extra effort to prepare a food (waiting four hours for a stew to finally marinate and for all the beef to soak in the garlic, onions, and spices we tossed in? Boring). Bu ...