Food Forum

Forum Thread: How to Dice the Perfect Veggie Every Time!

So you want to slice and dice like the pro's? Try this, let's take an onion for example. You want to grab the onion and slice off about a half inch on one end. Now hold the onion flat sliced side up. Now you will begin to make slices about a quarter inch apart down into the onion, but don't go all the way to the cutting board. You want to stop your slice just past half way down. Now you'll do this until you've covered the onion. Now make a half turn and do the same thing across the cuts you j...

Forum Thread: How Do I Open a Tutorial?

In particular, the "How to Make Your Own Red Bull" tutorial. I've tried the usual ways (double-click on right-pointing arrow, right-click to "Open Link in New Tab," pound mouse against screen, etc., but am unable to open this (or any of the tutorials). Should I try again tomorrow, or is there a secret handshake or password I need to know?

Forum Thread: Carnival Cruise Molten Chocolate Cake

I found this link to a really good Molten Chocolate cake which is very close to the one on Carnival Cruise lines. If you haven't had it, I would highly recommend it. I'm also wondering if anyone has any other really good recipes for Molten Chocolate Cake or even desserts that are close to the ones they've had on Carnival? Molten Chocolate Cake Recipe.

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